Friday, March 21, 2008

I am sick...

...of asking for help all the goddamn time around the house that both my husband and I live in. How the hell does he miss it? And what makes his bloody efforts at work all week worthy of spending the whole weekend on the couch (especially when he keeps putting off the kids who just want to play with him)? Hell, I work too, do everything for the kids and maintain far more of the household than he does!

ETA: This gal has gone so far as to document her "husband's crap".


Anonymous said...

Easy solution. Both of my sisters and I have done it. Have a discussion about how you will not live this way. If he does not fix it, hire a one time housekeeper and then hand the bill to him. Never happened again! If it does happen again then regularly hire the housekeeper and enjoy yourself!

Anonymous said...

Gotta go right with the above responder. I don't do it. If he doesn't see it, that means it doesn't bother him. If it doesn't bother him, it doesn't bother me. When we were first married, he took his socks off wherever he sat his ass down. When I got tired of picking them up, I threw them in a pile. When his mom asked me why it was there, I explained that her son thought the floor was his laundry basket.

I'm not his fucking mom. If he doesn't want to pick up after himself, I'll happily throw it all into a garbage bag and leave it on his side of the bed or out by his work truck. But I'll be damned if I'm going to do the work then resent him for it. I'd rather he be the pissed off person in the relationship.

Anonymous said...

I put the tidy bowl in the bowl and then went in search of the toidy brush. came back, hubby had used the toilet and not waited to have it scrubbed. We have two other toilets in the house-and why does he not scrub this one that he used the most and makes all nasty? I usually go upstairs for some privacy and to get away for a while. I am just tired of cleaning up after a grown man. and when he runs out of deoderant or shampoo, he never can find any more and tears apart the linen area looking for what? He says we have none-so what the hell is he looking for? I buy in bulk. 10-20 or more items at a time when they are on sale. stuff that wont spoil. We have some-its under the sink where its been since we got married-kids and grandkids ago. Maybe he wants me to put it in his pits too?