Thursday, March 20, 2008

My first bitch - ah, it feels so good

So I was accepted as one of the bitches. I have found my home, my calling. I have always wanted to be a ranting bitch, and now I get to have my "dream job"!

I want to bitch about the political bullshit that keeps being slung back and forth. First of all, why the fuck do we have to deal with such a long race to the presidency? I mean, haven't they been running for two years already?? God, I can't wait for this to be over.

Then Hillary and Barack are going at each other rather selfishly. The republican nomination has already been secured, so McCain doesn't have to continue clawing his way to the top. I really hate that Hillary and Barack have become rather ugly in their campaigns, knowing full well in another month or two, they are going to have their answer and then have to band together to try to bring the democratic party behind the winning candidate. There was also a rumor that republicans had registered as democrats so they could vote for Hillary. I guess they think if Hillary becomes the nominee, she won't be able to beat McCain. Either way, I think that just sucks. Primaries are to pick the nominee for YOUR party, not to try to weaken the other party's ability to position the best candidate. It's a shitty tactic. It undermines the democratic process.

All that spewed, I think the best president is an ineffective one, and quite honestly, I don't think it really matters much who gets elected. If there is a republican president, congress must be controlled by democrats and vice versa. It's the only way to keep a megalomaniac from realizing his dreams and avenging his daddy's tormentor, sending so many of our men and women to fight a war to get one man. Our country runs so well when the president can't fuck things up.

My last bitch - just shut the fuck up already! I'm so tired of politics and the campaigning and the dirt being dragged up and people being blamed for what their preachers say, or being picked on for being old and looking kind of liver spotted, and I'm especially tired of hearing shit about how Hillary wouldn't be able to fulfill her duties in an emergency since applying makeup would slow her down. Is there some law that says a woman must wear makeup?? GRRRRRR. Let's just get on with it already!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I rarely wear makeup and usually forget to brush my hair-and I am pretty damned efficient! And OMG-sometimes I even do a Britney-but no one knows but me. My books balance, everyone is on time, and I am in charge!