Thursday, April 10, 2008

Design Consultants

Local scrap store-middle aged snarky bitch at the register. I am shopping and getting frustrated because an item I bought last week and ran out of cannot be found in the place it's been for several years. Not once did this hag ask if I needed help. Not once did she even acknowledge my presence.

I find a few other things that might work. I go to the desk and she rings me up without a nod, or howdeedo. Guess I don't spend enough money to make it worth her wasting her breath. I go outside and look at my slip (fucking overcharged me again) and there is her name with the title "Design Consultant". Well Ann, you do not deserve that title (whatever it means as I design my own creations). You didn't consult with me on anything. And when I brought the receipt back in and showed your mistake to you, you just rolled your eyes and gave me back 41 cents with no sorry (more a look like why did I bothered-its only 41 cents) and turned your back.

Ann my dear-your employer got a letter from me today-and I did name names. I also told her this was not the first time this has happened from you but it's the last. You may work for the last scrap store locally, but I would rather drive an hour in rush traffic to go where I am appreciated as a paying customer. I hope you lose your job too, but with this type of treatment, your job and your store won't be around for long (ha ha, I know the owner is trying to sell now for months as she is losing tons of money). Ta Ta bitch!


Anonymous said...

Maybe it was me. I just am barely getting along emotionally. You see my husband has ALS and is in a wheelchair. While I work at my minimum wage job I have to leave him alone because I cannot afford care. I have Lupus. I am not sick enough to collect disability, but by the time I am done with work, I don't even have the energy to take off my clothes to go to bed. I have to work. I have no choice. Without my job we don't get the medical care we need. My lupus affects my eyesight. Sometimes I don't even know you are there and if I do, I honestly don't have the energy to spare to chat up the customers. I am barely treading water in life. Maybe I will go under soon.

Anonymous said...

I feel for people who are sick and have to work. I'm one of those people. I also have lots of personal issues that leave me depressed, tired, and just flat out in pain. I still don't take it out on my customers. I might not be the most friendly person in the world, but I would never roll my eyes at a customer for wanting back money that I overcharged her. I am always polite.

If you can't serve customers in a polite manner, you should find a job that doesn't require you to serve customers. Businesses can't afford to have someone be the face of their company who offends the customers. After all, the customers keep that business alive and that's why you have a job. And customers who are spending their hard earned money deserve basic courtesy. Not gushing friendly banter, but basic courtesy, and if you have too many issues to be able to give just the most basic thing customers deserve, then you need to find a job that doesn't require it.

Anonymous said...

anon one-this wasnt you. this woman has been like that to me from the start 4 years ago. She is mighty perky when others come in (I sometimes think she may be on commission based on final bills). My 7.64 is not gonna get her much for a 10 percenter will it) It this had been a one time thing, I would not have had any issues with it. But it's not. I was going in this store one a week, then it dwindled to once a month-and I am tired of the constant push from the owner to join her club for a 5 percent discount. I would love to not have to drive far and spend more in my local community that is dying fast, but I also demand respect and I am not feeling it.

Anon-have you contacted the local Mental health group (should be under county services) or even Hospice care for your hubby? Do you have kids or other family? Social Services even? You can't do this alone. I've been there with my mom. There is help out there.