Thursday, February 21, 2008

Tired Of Real Life Bitchin'?

When you have read all the bitchin' here, and you have nothing new to say, so to this bitchin' site called Deceiver. All the stuff you gossip about relating to famous people and normal people reacting to it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No, I am totally not tired of real life bitchin' I have been in the absolutely worst mood. All I want to do is BITCH. I'm tired, I don't sleep. I've gained 30 lbs since quitting smoking a year ago. I want a cigarette (kidding). I hate my co-workers. I hate my cubicle that is more like a fishbowl than an office. I am sick of living in meerkat manor and the prairiedogs that keep LOOKING OVER THE WALLS OF MY CUBICLE, like a bunch of asses. I am minding my own business listening to music through my headphones and they think it's their business to INTERRUPT ME and ask me what I am listening too. HELLO I have my headphones on for a reason trying to TUNE YOU OUT!!! Just this a.m. on my way to the fishbowl I said to myself I am going to wear a hat with a sign on the top of the hat that says GO AWAY. Sure enough the meerkats were back again today. I should have had that hat on. OMG I hate my husband too. He's all tucked in his home office everyday in his underwear while I commute every damn day in traffic. I hate him. He always seems to arrange his damn life so he is on easy street while the rest of us(me) actually has to work everyday. I told you I was in a bad freakin mood. I actually really like my job and the people I work with they just get on my damn nerves every now then and this week was it.