Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Enough with the Sneak Peeks ALREADY!

Hi everybody. I haven't bitched in a while so I think it is time. Not that I haven't had a ton of bitching on my mind trust me that is not the case, I've been super busy and out of town. I'll start with this one...I seriously hate this sneak peak crap that almost ALL of the stamp company's are pulling. Enough already just release the damn sets so we can or cannot purchase them. The sneak peeks don't make me want a set MORE if I don't love it in the first place. Think of something else people. In fact if it pisses me off enough I will stop buying from the offending company. How's that for generating INTEREST?

glenda_the one and only I'm back_good_bitch


Anonymous said...

What I really hate are the sneak peeks that show just a little piece of a project, so we don't even know what the hell they're selling.

Anonymous said...

I could not agree more!!

Anonymous said...

I have been unsubbing from so many blogs and emails for products that sneak peak. Since I have so far to drive to even purchase anything and assuming they might have it is not a given (and I only buy from online stores with free or discount shipping), I basically go without a lot product I might like. I also have unsubbed from blogs that make me "treasure hunt" to get a discount code. And that bingo stuff-nuts.

One of the worst companies is Making Memories. They just assume the entire world is sitting by their computers all day waiting for them to post a contest or some other crap. I decided I can't buy their garbage anymore if all they think is women got nothing better to do than sit on bated breath for thier posts.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more about the treasure hunt and bingo stuff to get discounts. Glenda

Anonymous said...

Right ON!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I hate the sneak peeks too but the little tiny piece one is the worst. I'm still waiting for TWO replacement sets from that company. Spare me the sneak peek and send the one you screwed up.

All the companies are doing it now, I think they've all started to think they're so fucking cool that we hang on their every word.

Anonymous said...

what about the midnight release parties in the special forums? omg! seriously...spending hours sorting through thousands of posts just to see the new set of stamps and have a little contest to see if someone can get 10% off or free shipping?
