Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Love Hate Martha

Here's another one for ya'. Now Martha doesn't need a backlink ever and I have ALWAYS had a love/hate for her. I hate her cause naturally I'm JEALOUS and love her cause she's so smart and it's hard not to love a smart woman. Go Martha. Anyway, unfortunately I read her blog (daily) wink wink. You are not going to believe what she tried to do? Her and the crew were touring 3M plant... you know post it note and painters tape fame...GLUE?? Ok here's what she tried to do... she tried to get them to change the color of blue painter's tape. That's the tape that is used to mask stuff for painting. Isn't that hilarious? What the hell color should it be MARTHA. She didn't mention what color she'd change it to....I feel like asking her. Who else but Martha would ask a question like that. Yes, 3M can you please change your blue painters tape to another color. Probably that vintage 50's green color. Just talking smart............


Anonymous said...

Martha just makes me nauseous in general. As does Ophrah. I think its the fact there is no humility. If either of them recommend it, I look elsewhere. Some would say I am jealous ( so save the post)-I am not. Women in powerful positions is exhilarating as long as they don't use it to self serve. Frightening but I am seeing it with Rachael Ray in small increments now.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I have to agree with commenter number one. I buy nothing with Martha's name on it. I also don't watch Oprah for the same reasons. Both of them think they're wonderful, which is annoying to me. I love powerful women and if they didn't act so affected and put on such airs, I'd be thrilled for their successes.

Painters tape already comes in more than one color, too. There's purple and blue and, of course, the natural color. It's not 3M, but it's the same stuff.

Anonymous said...

Totally freakin agree on this one. In fact one of them steals from me constantly. It's like the very next day after I have done something a CASE will show up on their blog and not one freakin word about where she saw it and I know freakin well where they got it from.

Anonymous said...

What pisses me off is when I put a technique on my blog and no one really says much, then I see that technique weeks later on a "special" blog and everyone raves about it like it's brand-spanking new and then suddenly everyone is using that technique, crediting the special blog for having this invented wonderful new idea, when it was published on my blog weeks and weeks earlier. I don't expect people to gush over me, but I also don't see why just because one of the big names does it, suddenly it's new and wonderful.

Oh, but I don't fault the special people for this. I fault the sheeple who just want to kiss special ass.

Anonymous said...

I love Martha..I love Martha... I do what Martha says...I do what Martha says...Martha is my idol...Martha is my idol....
shes my Goddess...Shes my Goddess.....

Seriously, what Martha says GOES!!!!

Anonymous said...

are you lesbo-Martha lover? No one should profess that sort of love for anyone-even her man or woman. the 50's zombie woman died with Leave it to beaver.

Anonymous said...

The 50's Zombie Woman...touche'....that's hilarious...I'll remember that next time I'm fagging on someone like MARTHA. Thanks for the wake-up call

Oh and bravo for the anon who commented on the "kiss special people's ass" SO TRUE.
